Choosing a Groomer
Need not be a Grrrueling Experience!
Whether you are new to this community or whether you are longtime resident, who has a new member of the family with grooming needs, finding the perfect match for you and the professional groomer who you will entrust your Fur Baby to for their grooming needs, can be challenging. Asking the "right questions at the right time" can make finding 'the groomer that is right for you and your dog' an educational and interesting experience.
* How much?” and “When can I get my dog groomed?” are not necessarily the most important questions but are often the first ones asked.
How long have you been in business?
How many different people work at the shop or salon?
Who will be grooming, bathing, and handling your dog?
Will your scheduling procedures work with my daily routines?
* Communication is the foundation of a good relationship between you and your dog’s groomer. Face to face is the best case scenario. Ask to arrange to speak to the groomer before your dog’s first grooming experience.
Changing groomers is not like changing hairstylist as far as your dog is concerned.
You will not do your dog any favor by Shop Hopping to save a dollar or two. You may find, that the groomer that pleased you the most, no longer has a place for your dog available on the schedule.
It takes a lot of hard work to become a good professional groomer.
When you find the groomer that pleases you don’t take that groomer for granted. The pleasure of a clean freshly groomed dog,is only enhanced by
the comfort of having confidence that your dog has experienced the least amount of stress in the process.
* Why should I get my outside dogs groomed?
It is important to groom your outside dogs even though they don't come in the house.
The first reason is to keep them smelling fresh and looking good. The second
reason is to take proper care of their coat. Grooming not only cleans their coats but removes dead undercoat and prevents mats from forming. The dogs coat provides them with insulation during the winter and keeps them cool during the summer. With dead undercoat and mats on your dog, it will actually make them colder during the winter and hotter during the summer. Wet matted hair is difficult to dry, therefore your pet becomes extremely cold during the winter.
* What is De-Shedding?
.Removal of dead undercoat and hairs that are ready to fall out. Hair in
most dog's coats have a life-span of approximately 4 to 6 weeks. Therefore; dog's who shed, have about one third of their hairs ready to fall out at any given moment. A Shed-Out Procedure done properly by a Professional Groomer on a 4 to 6 week schedule will dramatically reduce the hair your have had everywhere.
* What form of payment do you accept?
I accept cash, of course, and checks at time of service. We charge a $30.00 NFS charge.
* Why does my pet tremble on the way to the groomer?
Trembling and shaking are not necessarily fearful reactions. He could just be excited and expresses it by trembling, whining and panting. Grooming is a very pleasant experience for most dogs.
Owner attitude is important, too. If you are afraid to leave your pet, he will
sense it and be fearful. If you clutch him close and whisper long good-byes, your pet will realize you are unhappy and won't feel confident in going with the groomer.
Don't forget, too, that pets can be little "con-artists". If they can gain a
little last minute sympathy and attention from you, they will. We have seen pets turn off the drama as soon as the owner leaves.
Make grooming day special. Start with a nice walk, giving ample time for your pet to relieve itself even after arriving. If your pet is truly excitable, the extra opportunity to potty after arriving at the grooming shop will help your pet feel more comfortable.
When you drop off your pet, make good-byes short, cheerful and confident. In time, your pet will look forward to his grooming appointment to the same degree that you do! When your pet is done, Please pickup as soon as possible. Believe it or not, most pets know when they're finished and they're anxious to go home.
Need not be a Grrrueling Experience!
Whether you are new to this community or whether you are longtime resident, who has a new member of the family with grooming needs, finding the perfect match for you and the professional groomer who you will entrust your Fur Baby to for their grooming needs, can be challenging. Asking the "right questions at the right time" can make finding 'the groomer that is right for you and your dog' an educational and interesting experience.
* How much?” and “When can I get my dog groomed?” are not necessarily the most important questions but are often the first ones asked.
How long have you been in business?
How many different people work at the shop or salon?
Who will be grooming, bathing, and handling your dog?
Will your scheduling procedures work with my daily routines?
* Communication is the foundation of a good relationship between you and your dog’s groomer. Face to face is the best case scenario. Ask to arrange to speak to the groomer before your dog’s first grooming experience.
Changing groomers is not like changing hairstylist as far as your dog is concerned.
You will not do your dog any favor by Shop Hopping to save a dollar or two. You may find, that the groomer that pleased you the most, no longer has a place for your dog available on the schedule.
It takes a lot of hard work to become a good professional groomer.
When you find the groomer that pleases you don’t take that groomer for granted. The pleasure of a clean freshly groomed dog,is only enhanced by
the comfort of having confidence that your dog has experienced the least amount of stress in the process.
* Why should I get my outside dogs groomed?
It is important to groom your outside dogs even though they don't come in the house.
The first reason is to keep them smelling fresh and looking good. The second
reason is to take proper care of their coat. Grooming not only cleans their coats but removes dead undercoat and prevents mats from forming. The dogs coat provides them with insulation during the winter and keeps them cool during the summer. With dead undercoat and mats on your dog, it will actually make them colder during the winter and hotter during the summer. Wet matted hair is difficult to dry, therefore your pet becomes extremely cold during the winter.
* What is De-Shedding?
.Removal of dead undercoat and hairs that are ready to fall out. Hair in
most dog's coats have a life-span of approximately 4 to 6 weeks. Therefore; dog's who shed, have about one third of their hairs ready to fall out at any given moment. A Shed-Out Procedure done properly by a Professional Groomer on a 4 to 6 week schedule will dramatically reduce the hair your have had everywhere.
* What form of payment do you accept?
I accept cash, of course, and checks at time of service. We charge a $30.00 NFS charge.
* Why does my pet tremble on the way to the groomer?
Trembling and shaking are not necessarily fearful reactions. He could just be excited and expresses it by trembling, whining and panting. Grooming is a very pleasant experience for most dogs.
Owner attitude is important, too. If you are afraid to leave your pet, he will
sense it and be fearful. If you clutch him close and whisper long good-byes, your pet will realize you are unhappy and won't feel confident in going with the groomer.
Don't forget, too, that pets can be little "con-artists". If they can gain a
little last minute sympathy and attention from you, they will. We have seen pets turn off the drama as soon as the owner leaves.
Make grooming day special. Start with a nice walk, giving ample time for your pet to relieve itself even after arriving. If your pet is truly excitable, the extra opportunity to potty after arriving at the grooming shop will help your pet feel more comfortable.
When you drop off your pet, make good-byes short, cheerful and confident. In time, your pet will look forward to his grooming appointment to the same degree that you do! When your pet is done, Please pickup as soon as possible. Believe it or not, most pets know when they're finished and they're anxious to go home.